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What I Believe

West Virginia is thriving more than ever before under conservative leadership. We are a place where common sense conservatives can come to experience life among the hills, far away from liberal cities. While we remain mostly free of leftist influences in the mountain state, there is still much to do. How can West Virginia achieve its maximum potential? I have some ideas.

US Flag

Term Limits

If term limits were in place on a Federal Level, there would be no Joe Biden, no Nancy Pelosi, and far less corruption. In West Virginia, term limits would help break up the "good ol boys" system that hinders our growth and success. Politicians need to go to Charleston (and Washington), serve, and then step aside for new ideas. Career politicians end up helping no one but themselves. That's why I signed, notarized, and laminated a term limit pledge that I will serve no longer than 4 years.

Prescription Drugs

The Opioid Crisis

West Virginia has struggled under the weight of the opioid crisis, likely because of the war on coal creating unemployment and big pharma putting their bottom line before our safety. No matter the reason, it's time for us to be tough on drugs and crime in general. As delegate, I'd work to pass legislation making possession a felony, with opportunities for individuals to WORK to bump the charge down to a misdemeanor. Furthermore, I'd like to explore ways to create jobs for these individuals, because consistent employment helps keep recovering addicts from relapsing, and hard workers keep our economy thriving.

Prescription Drugs
Accounting Documents

Fiscal Responsibility and Taxation

My position here is simple: we need more of the former, and a lot less of the latter. It's a proven fact that less taxation is an incentive that leads to a thriving economy. West Virginia can bring in businesses and citizens (legal ones) like never before through lower taxes. On the other hand, we can serve our citizens better by both reducing our spending, and spending more responsibly. As delegate, I'll examine each and every budget item and cost before voting on a bill.

Prescription Drugs

The Second Amendment

"Shall not be infringed."

The Second Amendment protects this country and our freedom. Taking my firearms and the firearms of our law-abiding citizens is an "over my cold, dead body" kind of issue to me.

Pistol Bullets
Capitol Building

National Issues

While our ability to influence and address national issues is limited in Charleston, it's important for you to know where I stand. I'm deeply frustrated with our current administration, and how extreme the Democratic party has recently become. West Virginia has done a good job of "preventative maintenance" by passing bills that stop these extremes before they can reach us, but for the nation, they concern me.

I Do Not support:

  • Men in women's sports

  • DEI In the workplace, affirmative action, or critical race theory in Schools

  • Biden's absurd overreach

  • Various other leftist policies (feel free to inquire about specifics)

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